
Guiding our clients with honesty and compassion through a difficult time is what drives everyone at Epstein Family Law.

Have a Question?

  • FAQ

    • How can I protect my children during this process?
      We share your goal of protecting your children during your divorce, and Texas family courts do as well. If you discover that your spouse is disparaging you to the children or directly exposing the children to your conflict, we can seek relief from the court to stop this. Worse, if your spouse is abusing or neglecting your child, then we can request emergency orders for the protection of the children.
    • What kind of paperwork, documentation do I need and how do I find it?
      Whether your case is a divorce or a suit for child custody or support, the recent paystubs and tax returns, W-2s, 1099s and Schedule K-1s for both you and your spouse, or your co-parent, will be important to have. Both parties will be required to disclose all of these items early in the case. Epstein Family Law can assist you in obtaining these documents.
    • How soon should I start planning before I file for divorce?

      If your marriage is on shaky ground, it’s never too soon to start planning to protect your future. Texas law also provides for mandatory disclosure of certain information in a divorce case. If you’re unfamiliar with the assets and debts in your marital estate, try to discover as much as you can before you file, but consult with an attorney before you start digging to ensure that you are complying with privacy laws.

Client Testimonials

  • I felt entirely legally protected throughout the process

  • Great skill and compassion

  • Best of the best
