
Guiding our clients with honesty and compassion through a difficult time is what drives everyone at Epstein Family Law.

Dallas Alimony Attorneys

Experienced Alimony Representation in Collin, Tarrant, Denton, and Other Counties

The decision to end a marriage is never an easy one, and it can often be further complicated by financial matters. If you are concerned about how alimony or spousal support will affect your life after divorce, it is important to discuss these issues with an experienced alimony attorney in Dallas.

To learn more about how alimony can affect your divorce, contact our firm for a consultation. Contact us online or call (972) 232-7673 to get started today.

What is Alimony?

Alimony, also known as spousal support, refers to financial support that one spouse provides to the other during or after a divorce. The type of alimony you receive will depend on your and your spouse's financial situations and the length of your marriage. There are two types of alimony:

  • Temporary alimony, which is paid during the divorce proceedings
  • Permanent alimony, which is paid after the divorce

These payments are made either in one lump sum or in periodic payments, such as monthly or yearly.

Calculating Alimony Payments in Texas

When determining how much alimony a spouse will receive, the court will take many factors into consideration, including:

  • The duration of the marriage
  • The spouses' respective incomes
  • Any marital fault

For example, if one spouse stayed home to take care of the children and didn't work, the court would likely order alimony to help the other spouse get back on their financial feet.

What is Temporary Alimony?

Temporary alimony is paid while the divorce is pending. The court will generally order temporary alimony if one spouse needs financial support while they are transitioning to a lower standard of living, as they will once the divorce is finalized and they no longer share a marital home with their spouse.

What is Permanent Alimony?

Permanent alimony is paid after the divorce is finalized. The court will generally order permanent alimony if one spouse contributed to the marriage in a way that made them unable to support themselves after the divorce, or if one spouse made significantly more money during the marriage than the other.

Contact Our Dallas Alimony Attorney Today

Regardless of the type of alimony you are receiving or are being ordered to pay, it is important to understand your options and how alimony will affect your life. An experienced alimony attorney in Dallas can help you obtain the alimony you need and deserve.

Contact our firm online today or at (972) 232-7673 to speak with an alimony attorney in Dallas.


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  • "Exceptionally well-versed in family law"
  • Robert is methodical and diligent, which is who you want when things get complicated.

  • Robert is incredibly professional
